Thursday, February 26, 2009

in a missing kind of mood

lately there is just not enough time to do all that i want to do…i know… i get it…im a grown up and a mom so this is just life but…here is a list of what im missing most…

long “healthy hair” not common for a hair dresser….lol


Little londy…5months old was the BEST


THE lake the lake the lake…one of my most favorite spots to be


these girls, this place, this trip…hawaii im comming back i promise!


being a kid…cute, no makeup, carefree, and no stress


these two beautiful cousins and their sweet mom sherry:(


the beach…no matter where it is:)



Sunday, February 22, 2009

ward split

so for those who have not figured it out by now…i am Mormon…well

we go to church based on where we live and are assigned to a specific building at a specific time…so the group you go to church with is considered a ward or ward family. for two years we got the ugly time of 8am…which you might say is not that bad! but for a girl like myself who never gets up til can be a bit early to get cranky toddlers ready and a tired hubby out of bed after your date night out where you stayed up way too late!

fast forward…this year has been 12noon church which is better but not great for it is in the middle of the day and not much time to do anything before or after and i have never been a fan of relaxing unless I'm on vacation. i feel lazy and guilty if there is something that needs to be done and i am just chilling. I'm not a “good Mormon girl” in that capacity…ugghhh.

so today i pull up to church 4 minutes late which i promise is actually considered early for me since I'm ALWAYS at least 10 to 20 min late! there was no where to park, not in the parking lot, nor in surrounding area streets. so i park in the back forty and hoof it into church in stilettos. (since us Mormons dress up for church) I'm irritated, my body is hurting and i have a whiny little girl who is hungry and wants to dance through the parking lot in her “pretty shiny shoes”…finally we get into the building and wait patiently in the hall while they pass the sacrament (the bread and water) which takes 30 min because there are sooo many more people here than usual…doors open…time to find a seat. we find one which means Brandon can sit with me on his lap and londy on mine making us look like a glorified version of the clown car. we find one more chair and block the exit to sit together….big sigh…were sitting…with only londy only Brandon's lap (can you imagine all the looks naughty bri would get if she sat on Brandon's lap during church? i think most of the congregation would pass out!) lets get this rolling already…… then i hear the dreaded yet blissful words….brothers and sisters we are splitting your ward! gasps and talking goes thru the rooms that are packed to capacity like sardines. they give us our new boundaries. tell us which of our friends we will not see again at church and tell us that we will now start church at 2pm!!!

seriously? seriously! this is a big deal people, Mormon church is 3hrs. who wants to get home from church at 5:30? more gasps and whispers as everyone processes this. now i know, i know that we are fortunate to go to church just minutes from our house and that people travel much longer distances just to go to church. but let me tell you what…those people are much more diligent and lovely than i will ever be! Grumble grumble whine whine! so now i can sleep in but it will kill bri not to get distracted and end up at church at 2pm. surely i will end up at the gym or organizing my office, paying bills or heaven forbid…cleaning my house!

most “good” Mormons would never air their misdeeds like cleaning on the Sabbath on their blog…but come on peeps!…if you haven't figured out I'm not the norm yet..uhhhh well then we have much bigger fish to fry!

heaven help me…at least i go right? my mom-in-law is gonna die! it kills her that church was getting out at 3. we do Sunday dinner with family who lives and hour away and 7pm dinner is gonna be NO BUENO for her…here we go!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my sister my friend


most days if you ask who my best friend is I would answer with Brandon, kat while growing up, taralynn while in college years, thayne through high school, and many more people who have been such a major part of my life! but in reality my sweet sister has been my best friend since birth. now don’t get me wrong…we have fought like cats and dogs. there has been biting and hitting..(I'm guilty of both…geez bri!) there has been competition with swimming and sports. but mostly…always the best of friends! when we get together it is pure craziness! we have sooo much fun together. there is always lots of giggling, terrible behavior, naughty food, lots of dancing, people watching, shopping, more food and laughs. last weekend was no different!P2140287

it had been 7 long years since I had gone to see my sis at her house without being accompanied by another family member. so being that it had been a couple months since I saw her and we were both having withdrawals…we found a cheap flight and away I flew. I hate to fly but for love of my sister I boarded the plane, taxied out, waited for 20min, taxied back in, deboarded, waited 2 1/2 hrs and got on another plane to try again!P2140285  FInally 3 hrs late i made it to snowy, freezing colorado and our weekend of fun began with yummy dinner with friends.

we did all of our favorite things listed above, while also singing karaoke (if you could call it that!) played the wii and a little old school super Mario brothers, added in a cute movie and some time with my darling brother-in-lawP2140278 who was bundled up from the snow:) we hung with their fun friends who treated me like one of their own. we are really lucky to both have friends who make us feel right at home when we are Hanging out!


The bushes and trees were covered with ice or whatever and it was so beautiful!

there was just enough snow to make it feel like winter and yet a couple of warm days to make me wish I lived there! we drove through Garden Of The Gods-a state park? which was beautiful and makes me yearn to hike through it in the warmer monthsP2150307

Oh how I would love to live there close to meg…so until next time this will have to get me through! 


Falling over while attempting yoga:)


I love you meg…can i come back now?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

you say it’s your birthday?

scan0010 THis boy right here…had a birthday yesterday…a whole 32 years old! now he was much younger in this picture but i still get asked if my husband is 16 years old. he has a very young face, or at least i hope that he looks young and its not me looking old! ha

and these are things i love about him…

he is patient, especially with me and you all know there should be a reward for that.

he is very kind,the ultimate nice guy…sometimes so nice you want to smack him

has a testimony of the church but would never cram it down your throat!

he is handsome- back of

the worlds best daddy. hands down…does bath duty every night and wakes up with londy every morning. what guy does that?

he sends me on girls trips, shopping to target, or out and about for a break for me even when he really needs one himself.

he puts up with my nonsense?

an increadibly hard worker

can make anything with his hands. build a car or a house from the ground up.

plays a great game of ball.

is a pilot and can fly the big airplanes.

he loves any sport, most any movie, will listen to my hip hop or londy’s annie soundtrack for hours without complaining.

he is my best friend

happy birthday B! you are the best!
