Friday, September 24, 2010

Barbie holiday weekends

when meg and I were little we loved Barbie's! I mean L_O_V_E_D! them!! we were always so excited to have a three day weekend when my dad would allow us to make a Barbie mansion in the hallway and leave it up for the weekend. we had a pretty good sized area outside our bedrooms and it was wood floors so it was the perfect spot to build houses out of building blocks. we were so creative, using our big crayon piggybanks as street lights, using my moms doll furniture from when she was a kid. no one stood a chance over us when it came to the best doll houses (or so we thought)…the neighbor girls had the real Barbie dream mansions but we never wanted them…we liked our make believe much better!

so several months back I pulled out my Barbie's (the few that I kept) along with my sisters Barbie carrying case and brought them home for London. oh I'm not sure who was more excited…me or her? she has played and played with them…well today my dear client ami brought me a bunch of her daughters old Barbie's and their paraphernalia! London was to say the least, beside herself with excitement. I have never seen so many ken dolls! and these ken dolls are all so different from the ones I had I couldn't stop giggling at the hair and the muscles! just so brought me back to those days, when life was simple! I loved the “heart family”dolls. I had the mom the dad, the kids. we would play with our strawberry shortcake dolls and star-something dolls with them too! funny how you get rid of things thinking your kids wont want them or there will be something better by the time you have kids but really the reason to keep toys for your kids is so that YOU receive joy when watching them play with something you treasured so much! just digging through that box right now the memories came back. I had forgotten how much I loved the little cabbage patch dolls and the miniature strawberry shortcake figurines…who remembers all this stuff?



the mess


megs old Barbie case


the new ken dolls…guess which one I like? londy says he looks like chopper cause of the


baseball player and the cheerleader (londy loves her)


the oldies! the one on the left I think was supposed to be from Switzerland? and the one on the right was my neighbor

Katie Stipe (I was in love with this dress) I had it when she moved, so yep…I pretty much stole it! only time I can remember stealing anything in my life!


strawberry shortcakes…I cant find any clothes for them…why are dolls always NAKED?


don't remember what these were called by they were some of my all time favorite toys


cabbage patches…they are soooo cute!


my moms favorite toys we ever owned..she has some at her house she wont give me


the ken who started it all today…I couldn't stop giggling at the hair while at work…I LOVE it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

smut, make believe or just a distraction

life's guilty pleasures for me include but are not limited to

1. gossip girl, 90210, Grey's Anatomy and private practice. oh how i get sooo excited when the fall season of my shows start. during the summer i get hooked on reality drama of bachelor pad, so you think you can dance and what not but the really good stuff starts in September. for 50min or so i get to escape to the world of Blair Waldorf, Christian Louboutin, upper east side new York and men like chuck bass. i dream of dressing the way Serena can dress. i love to watch Meredith stick her hands inside of a body and save a life with her delicate hands. or how about how Addison Montgomery Sheppard lives on the beach and is a powerful world renowned surgeon. why do i love the smut so much?

2. spinach dip,nachos, anything dip-able-deliciousness! fresh baked brownies, cookies, basically anything you would find in a bakery, crumble top muffins-lick-my lip-yummo. there's also nothing like happy hour with good friends or your sweetheart. cheese, crackers, cocktail onions, a yummy beverage….add the above smut to this…even better


4. movies with happy endings, beautiful girl meets handsome sexy man, add a little drama, some guns, a little mystery, a little love and there better be a damn good happy ending:) cant stand a movie where there is not a happy ending. put me in a movie theater with popcorn and chocolate, a sexy man of my own and turn the lights out and voila…..another very happy girl from yet another…very guilty pleasure!


so i ask…what are your guilty pleasures? what is ridiculous but makes you soo happy?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

i need more time

i need more time…with these beautiful people and several more not shown…i love you, you are part of me! no more holidays, weekends or adventures missed because I’m spending time with another family. YOU are my family, you are my heart!







mom I’m gonna score some goals for you!

little miss started soccer this week! something i always wanted to do as a kid but never asked, along with many other things i felt guilty having my parents spend money on me!

and londy has been asking the past year or two when she could play….

its so cute to watch her out there running with all her buddies from school and church. the green team did a great job and i had such fun watching her play! it was a perfect day, starting a little early, getting to the game by 7:45. But she played great, doing her goalie dance, trying to decide which way to run and laughing as she did crunches on the bench so she could “keep warm and get some muscles mom” lol. they didn’t win but they did great.

it was the perfect kind of day, up early to the game, then to breakfast at nicks…mmmmmm. a little yard work, which i must say i quite enjoy on a day like yesterday, warm but not scorching, add some ipod tunes and a very helpful man who really does most the work :)…onto shopping with the kiddos, some pizza, wings and finish up the night next to my sweetheart on the front porch swing.

can’t wait for more happy days like those and to watch london master soccer…she is like her mama and plays to win, she will work hard and hopefully dance more in her heart than in that goalie box…teehee!






