Wednesday, February 28, 2007

7 weird things about me

so reading amys blog and i thought this was funny! so amy im stealing this from you.

1. Waxing my arms and getting a pedicure make me feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. even though not close to being true. if those things are done i am a happy girl.

2. i love teeth. seriously i look at everyones smile and immediately notice who has good teeth. if you have nasty teeth-- well we are not good friends cause i pay way too much attention to that.

3. i like weirding people out by popping my hips out of the socket or putting my feet behind my head.

4. i think everyone should have at least two kids. i think kids need a sibling.
but i am quickly learning to think otherwise since london will be it for me!

5. i love to work out. i mean LOVE IT! i would live at the gym. plus im so competitive that if someone is running next to me i will kill myself to keep their pace. crazy but true!

6. i hate to have hair on me. the little hairs after a hair cut! which is funny since that is my job. but i can never wait to get home and shower them off after work.

7. i wish you could be friends with all of your friends for life! i wish it did not matter if you dated that friend or if you are married or if you all got in a big lame fight in eighth grade that keeps you not talking. and i wish people didnt have to act like they dont care how you are because now they dont need you. its lame and there you have it!

so really those are just silly things and im sure you all could tell me more weird things about me. but lets just pretend that those are it! muah!


Amy said...

How come drive-bys weren't on your 7 weird things??? Come on, just admit did them too! Who were the guys you were driving by back then...Derek Berkenstrand? (that goes all the way back to Sunrise!) ah too funny!

Bri said...

amy i cant believe you remember that!!! and yes toatally him! cant remember any others though. im sure if we did 7 weird things about each other we could come up with some seriously funny stuff.