Thursday, May 17, 2007


i love cars but i HATE buying them! i love the smell of a new car, all the fun new buttons, cool dash colors and the sheen of fresh paint. i do not like however the endless hours of test driving, haggling with salesmen, walking around car lots in the hot az weather and haggling some more! so this time around when it is time to trade in the old and get some new ( thanks mr lease) im making brandon do all the research while i sit at home in the ac and blog :). some of you might think this is horrible but i can assure you he does not. he is not hauling me around complaining or having london not listen or climb all over him. it is amazing though how little you can get on a budget! this is the commuter car, the reasonable sized payment with hopefully some great gas mileage thanks to the $3.00 a gallon prices. I love laughing at the salesmen after they come back with payments bigger than my mortgage for a small sedan. they say... but aren't you in love with it? don't you have to have it at any price? and i always laugh and say " i never love anything so much that any price will do". im cheap and thrifty and way too responsible with money to spend $5,$6, or $700 on a monthly payment! NO THANKS! so we will see where we end up- but for now it is at home in the ac with my toes up :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are going through the same thing now. We want to buy a house but cannot with these monster car payments. I think for a few years something little with a low payment will do just fine. I am thinking of being friends again with Mr. Corolla. I like Ms. Jetta, but their problems scare me.

I also was told that gas prices will go up to 4.00 this summer. I think I may puke.