Sunday, June 08, 2008

lake time

lake time is almost as great as beach time! we spent today at the lake and boy do i LOVE it! i never really get to go that much since i have always worked on saturdays... however now that i only work one sat. a month i have plenty of time to join londy and b out at bartlet! it was beautiful today and i even decided to wake board. (which you might remember from previous posts was one of my very favortie things to do but i am so scared my lung will collapse if i crash that i seldom do this anymore.) no jumps! (not that i could do them anyways!) and nothing crazy but just to be pulled behind the boat and feel the wind on my face is such an amazing feeling! it will be a very sad day when the docs will no longer let bri do this!! but for now BRING IT ON :)

londy is also a huge fan and has been on papas boat since she was just a couple months old! what a cutie! this was part of her birthday celebrations! 4 years!


Unknown said...

I love the lake, too! How was the water. You look great out there! The only time I have wake boarded, I got up for about five sec. (I thought that was quite an accomplishment) It's really hard... so Way to go BRI!
London also looks very cute :) She makes me want a girl :)

Unknown said...

I am SO wanting to be there now. Let's plan a trip to Powell! (HAHA)

Mama Apes... said...

What a "HOT" mama indeed!! Looks like so much fun...Look at those legs...many hours of cardio paided off honey! I hoped Londy had a great birthday and we need to catch up!! Call me...

Mama Apes... said...

I forgot to say you flag them down mama!lol :D