Monday, July 14, 2008

sandiego 08

sandiego 08 started off a little scary...the docs thought i needed a blood transfusion and we were afraid i would not be able to go to cali...but after a couple scary days and hospitals...blah blah blah i was cleared to go on vacation as long as i took meds. (apparently i am severly anemic)so onto the trip we go...
london was amazing the whole trip- no naps, tried all kinds of new food! yey londy( not happily of coarse) but she did it! we spent just about every day beach side and walked everywhere! i had not been to misssion beach in years and could not believe how much it was the same! between yummy dinner spots and the beach we managed to play a fair amount of games, take some great family pics...go bri for setting them up and then sprinting to jump in them before the timer went off!
the ashtons came to visit too and it was really neat to see the kiddos all dressed up and to take their pics too! what a beautiful family... i sure had fun taking them:)
brandon and i headed to the sandiego zoo where i had never been...geeeez it makes the phoenix zoo look yucky! it was so green and lush and we saw animals so up close from our double decker bus tour and skyride!

the gorillas were facinating and they had this cheetah? with a regular dog...they grew up together and go everywhere together...amazing!

we managed to shop a bit on the boardwalk and local stores and even went to horton plaza...its kindof like a small fashion square mall that is all open to the outside. it is in downtown and i never tire of going there just to be in the area. i love that downtown/ sanfran/new york city kind of feel!
its always good to be home and in your own bed but oh how i miss the beach! we rented a catamaran one day and went sailing on the bay...made me think of hawaii...cali was great but so far nothing!!! will beat hawaii:)
thanks mom and dad for making this happen! it had been since londy was 6 weeks old that we all did the beach together and it felt good to be all together again!


Mama Apes... said...
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Lacy said...

Hey Bri, I found your blog through Larissa's. What a fun trip to California, glad that you got to go and didn't have to stay here in this miserable heat or in the hospital.

Unknown said...

I hope things are better, healthwise. Do you want me to bring over some spinach? :)

Glad to see that you were able to enjoy fun times with the fam in Cali. I loved all the pictures. There is just something about taking family pictures in blue jeans, in front of the ocean. I LOVE IT!

Elisha said...

Isn't mission beach the best? There is so much fun stuff to do! Looks like you guys had a blast! Londy is so ADORABLE! I love her with the sunglasses! Hope you're doing better!