Sunday, December 14, 2008

party 101

I love a good party! especially when it is with really fun people.


I am lucky enough to work with some really neat girls and one fun boy…who, lets face it… working with all these women is truly one of the girls himself! (sorry Tommy but  it is true) but you tell me one guy who would hate to work with 20some hot girls all day?…I digress….


so this weekend was the dreaded work party or so most would think…standing around not knowing many of the coworkers and their loved ones….but that is not the kind of parties We


lets just say it was a lot of fun and I found myself sad to leave because I was having a GREAT TIME! My boss kimi has a beautiful home, so warm and cozy, a yard like better homes and gardens and the food was catered by “AMOUSE BOUSCHE” (sp?) here in surprise (side note…if you have not eaten there before you are missing out!) hair dressers have a wild reputation and last night was no exception. the laughter was contagious. and I think Brandon had almost as much fun as I did!

Look at the height difference


Trying out a different look:)


so thanks kimi for everything, thanks Brandon for being my date. to mom for driving home late from where we live to the other end of the planet:) and to Slater for my darling Christmas goodies. How do people just know what to get you even when you have never voiced wanting that item before?

These girls are scrappy


fun pics including the strong girls trying to arm wrestle, tequila shots (no I was not doing those rich don't have a hard attack) and more fun!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You looked gorgeous! :) Brandon is so lucky :) please remind him, as if he could forget :)