Sunday, March 08, 2009

blog stalking

ok so don’t pretend that you’ve never done it! don’t sit there and think that i’m crazy with way too much time on my hands…when you know you have done it too!

it’s sunday and we are one sick household! days like today make me crazzzzy. bri does not do well with the whole lay down, read a book relax and snuggle up thing. gosh actually that does sound nice but only when you want to do it not when you are forced to because you feel like garbage-ola…sigh…i digress!

so after doing all i could today to be still and rest and try to make this crud not turn into pneumonia…i find myself at the computer blog jumping. first through all of my darling friends and then i admit through their cute friends. sometimes reading other peoples blogs makes me wonder what it’s like to live their life. i do this alot…people watching at the mall, wondering where people are going on airplanes and when we are out on dates….what are they doing when they leave this restaurant anyways? there are just such neat people to be found through your friends. i guess technically it’s not like you are stalking them. i mean if they are a friend of a friend you all might hang out sometime or even be close friends one day right? lol.

some blogs i read because the people are really talented at writing, the crafts they post are beautiful, the way they tell stories cracks me up, or they take amazing pictures, lets be real….some of these people are just gorgeous to look at and seem to have really interesting lives. for example…this family just went lobster fishing, another cute couple leave each other love notes in their coffee cups, another cute gal leaves detailed instructions to her hubby about what to do with the kiddos while she is gone… down to where to dig for the matching navy socks and if he can’t find them that the tan socks will do in a pinch!

i love to see the friends who you’ve met a few times and thought were really fun and how they live these crazy exciting lives and have lists upon lists of blogs they read which leads you to believe they must be that fun and that all those blog links are to their other extremely fun friends lives.

and i laugh at myself because here i sit writing away about how lame it is that i love to read about other peoples lives and how secretly i get upset when you put your blog on private and i really dont know you and can’t complain about how you should invite me to read your private blog…lol

bri you are one funny gal. i have always said that i am easily entertained and that i am a cheap date because it does not take much to make me happy:) so will anyone fess up that they blog stalk too? :)


Lacy said...

Of course I blog stalk, who doesn't?!? Blog stalking is way too much fun and you can find people that you haven't seen in years. And don't you hate it when your friends don't have you listed as their friend.....

Lisa said...

oh of course I do! Isn't that what those lists are for??

Shelise said...

I am totally guilty of blog-stalking and I am not ashamed of it one bit.

Kristal said...
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Kristal said...

What about knowing someone who blog-stalks you?! Does that count? They even have a tracker thing so you can see when they are doing it! SO annoying!

Unknown said...

You can track blog stalkers? Whoops! I am in trouble!