Wednesday, April 15, 2009

little londy lou

lately i have been feeling so blessed to have my little london!







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she is such an amazing girl, sweet, sassy, fun, smart and wow…what a looker:)…i love how she uses her imagination so much. remindes me of when meg and i were younger. we would make up games for hours. londy is just the same. a few night ago she was getting out of the shower. brandon had her wrapped in a towel and he told her to wait for him to help her. she…being an impatient 4yr old. did not wait but stepped immediately out, tripping over the ledge and being wrapped llike a mummy in her towel. FELL FLAT ON HER FACE. let the screaming begin. i rush from the other room to see blood EVERYWHERE!  panic sets in, brandon is rinsing her mouth, i’ve got a cold rag and ice. 2hrs later the blood stopped and she has 4loose bottom teeth. grrr. good thing papa is a dentist and thinks she will be fine! still a possibility she will loose those teeth though! uhhhh moms not so happy bout that! but she was such a trooper. goose egg on leg from where she banged it on the shower ledge and a huge burn/bruise on her chin. she is tough just like me. that also means she is ornery and is gonna be a pain in my a** when she gets older:)

do you think this girl is all EYES AND EARS?


but for now…im loving every minute of her!…well except for the whinny- needy- won’t- stop- jibjabbin- in- the -car moments!


Lisa said...

poor girl, I hope those teeth stick in there! She sure is beautiful!

wilkinson family said...

I hate it when the kiddos get hurt. Ben has had his fair share of spills. She is such a cutie, we'd love to see you guys sometime!