Sunday, August 22, 2010

lake havasu

i love the water! i love the bathtub, a hot tub, swimming pools, fountains (especially wading in them but that’s a different post) oceans and the lake!! nothing thrills me like water does. so away i went to try out lake havasu with chopper, his family and me and londylou! it’s choppers favorite week of the year. 3 boats, rv's, and lots of food and drinks. so here we go…everyone warned how hot it would be and boy were they right. it took a full day to cook down the rvs and for me to get used to the roughin- it life of an rv but then ya know what? i had a GREAT time. no time constraints, no limits to how late you can play. the water felt good and i loved going to the sandbar and channel to people watch and see in real life what all the fuss had been about all these years. it was neat, we had fun! but i loved the river the best. floating in the boat with music playing..the kids swimming boat to boat. stopping to eat at the roadrunner, playing pool at fox…cant wait to go back next time…i’m just not going back in july. Bri was made for the marriott and 90 degree or lower temps! :) so here’s our trip in pics!  best part of the trip was the amazing people! what a lucky girl i am.


londy was alll about skiing and tubing and even cliff jumping! my scardy cat who was always afraid to do anything in the water on papas boat.


easier shown in a slide…enjoy:)


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