why does it make me absolutely batty when I’m in a hurry and someone is sauntering across the street in front of my car? no need to hurry folks, there are not people waiting behind me either! oh this just makes me loony! I hate to profile but these people typically fall into two categories for me…
1. the well to do (or they think they are well to do) folks in their true religions, Louis Vuitton bags and Ugg boots, texting or talking on the phone or playing with their iPods, Ipads or whatever. They typically don't even notice that you are there which irks me even a little more! come on peeps, look alive, look alert, heaven forbid I wasn't paying attention and run over your undersized, over-privileged ass! jus sayin…
the other category….my personal fav
2. a mom or dad, a teenager and at least two other kids, moseying instead of motering in front of you, oozing out of their $7.00 special at goodwill, two sizes too small jeans, feet slippin and sliding out of flip flops as they drag their feet across pavement, while slurping on a big gulp. hair hasn't been colored in months, black trashy roots with orange ends. children whose hair has not been combed if not bathed in two plus days. These…oh these are the people who look at you like they have the right to stop in the middle of the road if they so please because you owe them something more than the welfare check you are already providing them! (note here…i have trashy roots a lot and have lots of good friends on welfare, as well as the louis vuitton bag carrying types, but you get my point:)
why does this make me so nuts? I could leave five minutes earlier so I am not rushed or I can just be a bigger person and blow it off but it gets under my skin like chiggers do and I cant help but be annoyed. most of all I wonder…were they not taught common courtesy? to put a little pep in your step when others are waiting? I suppose not….
How about the people in their cars that steal your parking spot....I mean, from behind you and cutting you off and taking your spot. They must think that they have so much more important stuff to do or that they are just so much more important! That one drives me nuts!! But I know what you mean. When I see someone is waiting for me I move a bit quicker. C'mon, common sense isn't that hard!
I love this post! It's all so true, though here in Utah we create a whole new category around a certain type of mormon and their sense of entitlement.
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