Sunday, February 24, 2008

spring fever

when i say spring fever i do not mean oooo baby! get your mind out of the gutter! i mean spring training games with hot dogs, cold cokes and tank tops. i mean swim suit shopping, running outside, flowers, laying by the pool, new sandals, better get a tan on those pasty legs kind of spring fever.

and yesterday.... i was feeling it! it was beautiful out and that is why we Arizonans live here. today it is back to overcast and chilly but i got a taste of it and I'm ready for more! now if i could just figure out a way to look like a Victoria's secret model in that swim suit, have time for the spring training games and had good lungs for running outside... we would be all set!


Elisha said...

Hey! I'm totally with you! If you find the secret to looking that tell! That is so funny! Brett and I were actually on the internet last night figuring out which spring training games we wanted to go to! We should meet up and party!

wilkinson family said...

Let's plan a time and go to a game together. A spring training game sounds super fun, hope to talk to ya soon.

The Booher's said...

Hey guys, its Buffy! I found your blog by being nosy on other peoples blogs. Happy late birthday Brandon! Tell your families hello from me! Love ya, Buffy

Kolste said...

Hey Bri! I am coming down to Phoenix on Tuesday until Sunday or monday...I got my haircut and she did okay but I want it shorter...I was going to see if you could fix it :) If I dont hear back from you Ill call ya!

Mama Apes... said...

I tagged you! Good luck and can't wait to hear all your cute answers! Spring fever I hear ya...I want that body! Or should i say we need that body soon!