Sunday, November 05, 2006

i loathe the hospital

here i am again in the hospital. bored to death and wishing i was at home. halloween night while picking up candy for the kids i felt sudden sharp pain and knew i was in trouble. they observe the first night, chest tube the second day which i was so mad about. thursday til yesterday things were doing good minus the torture session on friday. now i have air in between my skin and fat and a leaking lung. if anything can be done the easy way it is certainly not done by me. im so tired of being here and now the nurse says im bed ridden and so i cant even get up and walk around. oh boy lucky me!!! and im so tired of everyone thinking i know what is going on or what doctors are doing. like they tell me anything. so for now i sit in pain irritated with my neighbor who never stops talking or laughing or asking me to open the window so she can have natural light. GO AWAY I DO NOT WANT TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell that woman to can it.

I wish they would keep you in the loop at least. I do not think they realize what keeping someone in the dark about their prognosis does to them.

I love my seister and hope you get out of that horrible place soon.

Blog out your frustrations girl!