Wednesday, December 20, 2006

germ freak

never in my life have i washed my hands so much or lysoled my house this often. the thought of catching londons flu makes my cringe at the thought. is healthy for 2 months too much to wish for?
im thinking of starting a new fad and bedazzle a face mask and wear it out . at least then i would not catch all those coodies from those people who pick their nose, not cover their mouth when the y cough, forget to wash their hands after the potty and continue to scratch themselves in public.... we all know who we are talking about. GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah...Joey is talking about the scratching. LOL.

Bri...when people have the stomach flu, I stay the heck away. If I have to be near, I have lysol and a bottle of pump hand sanitizer ready. No one wants that bug. No one.