Monday, July 16, 2007

no talent!

So it is a well know fact that i am not a talented girl. cute? you bet! nice?absolutely(well most of the time) fun and silly? that is a given! but talented???! not so much. i have been working on my business lately and just wish i was more creative or able to make up cute signs/designs like this cute scrap page i found on the Internet. i had a girl in one of my young women classes tell me during a lesson on talents that she simply did not have any. no musical or artistic talent to speak of and not a great athlete or particularly creative either. I SO KNOW HOW SHE FEELS!!!! i think part of it is laziness on my part not taking the time to scrapbook or learn a musical instrument. as a child i always felt guilty doing things for me and asking for lessons to karate, soccer, piano and others just felt greedy so i never asked. how is it that some are born so amazing at cooking, sewing, singing, painting and the rest of us just pine away for those talents and pity the fool who marries us? well enough whining for now! i have always said if you don't like something change it but how to get talents you just don't have???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was watching "America's got Talent" and was wondering: "where's mine?"

Don't feel bad...I do not have a talent either. If spending money was a talent, I'd have it. Sadly, that is my only good skill at the moment.

What is with us Butler girls? We just fall off a turnip truck and turn into honyocks instead?