Friday, August 24, 2007

things EVERYONE knows about me

1. I'm bossy, motherly and a bit pushy.
2. i so don't mean to be any of those things.
3. I'm loud, obnoxious and don't care who knows it.
4. i love my friends. i need them to keep me sane.
5. I'm an all or nothing girl: if i exercise i do it for days on end or not at all.
6. i love treats! baking them, eating them, it does not matter.
7. I'm sassy as hell, even people who don't know me have that figured out!
8. i always have a plan for something or sometime.
9. music and dancing...need i say more.
10. i try really hard to be a GOOD PERSON, i fail a lot but you could not say i do not try.
11. I'm a wisher and a dreamer in the extreme.
12. my mind never turns off, period and because of that... i read blogs, talk incessantly and love mindless nonsense like people magazine.

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