Saturday, March 28, 2009

birthday wishes


the big 3-0 is approaching and the plan is to go to the Caribbean with some friends for a spectacular cruise:) I'm not holding my breath on this one though…we are having a heck of a time trying to coordinate. but I am not giving up hope!!

however what I really am pining for is a….


sewing machine! I know I know what an exciting present huh? as I have mentioned before I am just convinced this sewing business can not be that difficult for pillows and drapes, an occasional dress up outfit for little miss. perhaps a baby burp cloth for a girlfriend? so I need your help…if you are a pro or even have an inkling of knowledge in this area…comment below and tell me where to start looking. is one brand way better than the next? where do I go to buy? how much do i spend? i just want a nice one that will pretty well run itself, threading and all. i dont need high end $1000 machine. just enough to get me hooked and up for the tasks at hand…my bare windows.

now this is not the end of my wish list.. hehe, but the bigger of the ticket items..unless you want to include spare bedroom furniture, an office, wheels for the truck, a trip to hawaii, new york or sanfran with the seeeeister. could i ask for a toddler who does not whine while im at it, and a husband who reads minds? i mean while im wishin i might as well dream big right?


Unknown said...

Happy Soon to be Birthday :)

I have heard that Viking is pretty good and of course Bernina...

I think you could get a pretty decent one for 150 -200, ones that are more expensive than that, probably do cool things like embroidery... so if you have more to spend that would be nice so you can personalize things for Londy :D
Good luck with all of your birthday wishes ( I hope you get to go see the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean!)

Lisa said...

okay, thats a toss up between the sewing machine and the cruise...I hope you get both!! So, Bernina's are really expensive, even the cheaper models. But they are also really really awesome. Viking has one at most Joann's, it's the Husqvarna Viking Emerald 122, and it's great. It's also at least $400. If you want to spend less, and for what you'd probably use it for, go to Joann's and get a Singer. They have lots for less than $200. I have no idea about warrenty's or anything. I have a Brother and I would NOT recommend them. Joann's will have the cheapest sewing machines around, but other smaller sewing stores in your area might have some you could look into.

Kristal said...

(GASP) You are planning to go to the Caribbean with friends yet you don't want to go to Cancun with us?! :( Sad for me!

Amy said...

Two words: Call Deb.