Wednesday, April 15, 2009


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always a photo op..waiting in trauma for tests

well if it’s not one thing its another right? mom had another weird brain episode this past Thursday. it had been 6 1/2years since her last symptoms to which she immediately received brain surgery. this time the symptoms were 10 times worse and all in one day! so away we went to the ER and after 7hrs and several million tests we are told the cyst, the size of my fist… is back and bigger than before. seriouslY? she had no vision on her left side, couldn’t speak right and kept running into stuff, throwing up, terrible headache…ya know, a good time?! so they admitted her and we waited two days for dr. spetzler (world renound brain surgeon) to fit her in his schedule.

londy taking up iv pole dancing


aunt jerri and I waited for the surgery to be done and after a few short hours were able to see a very lucid mom! we were not expecting that nor to expect how great she felt and the very next day they wanted to send her home! what? a two day stay after BRAIN SURGEREY? and wait…she is not on pain meds? huh? she must of been a pioneer kind-a-woman. cause this I have never seen. what a trooper. new technology made the surgery much quicker this time and less invasive than the last. lets just hope this surgery takes. you never want surgery but of your brain is the last spot you would want it! mentally I'm exhausted and certainly my poor writing skills are not going to make you see how scary this all could have been. she will recoup at home with someone by her side for a couple of weeks or more. thanks for all your prayers, calls and support. I'm ready for a healthy family! oh but did I mention once I brought her home last night I got the stomach flu? good times! sigh….



wilkinson family said...

I am so glad your mom is doing so well, she has always been a tough cookie. Please tell her we love her and are thinking about her.

Amy said...

Good grief Bri! I'm so glad to hear your mom is doing better!!! Scary...scary!

Kristal said...

We are so glad Pam's ok. Mom called to let us know she was home safe and sound. Tell her we said hello and that we are thinking of her. Love you!

Angelle said...

Yikes, I'm so sorry! When it rains it pours I guess! Hang in there.

Mama Apes... said...

So good to know that everyone is on the mend! Lets keep it that way! XXOO!

Unknown said... husband thought that first picture of mom was one you took and posted while she was in a medicine fog. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I about died laughing. I said no, that would be the two of them acting like idiots. :)
Shall I hit him for you?