Sunday, December 23, 2007

christmas cards

christmas cards-they make me so happy. it is funny how a picture and a cute greeting can make my day. im sure i have written before of my love for the mailbox. i LOVE getting the mail. i love snail mail and going to the mailbox always has me giddy and hoping that there will be fun mail instead of the typical junk mail and bills. i love letters, refund checks, thankyou cards, invites and announcements. in a world of emails we forget about the "mail-mail" that and is is so darn expensive. so thanks to everyone for sending christmas cards-especially with photos. we all know how much i love the picture thing. right now the cards are plastered to my fridge and cluttered as it looks.....i love it.
there are the neighbors, family, the work friends, clients, current friends and yet my favorite are the old true friends that are not forgotten but rarely seen. it is such a joy to me to see how they have changed. how tara lynn grew her hair out, how much grace and andrew look alike, how kats beautiful son jonah is going to be a heartbreaker. i love watching the families grow. keep those cards comming!!!!!!!!!

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