Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving at a glance


the week has certainly been a whirl wind! this year the whole family on both sides was here (ok only the siblings and spouses but with our group that is a lot of people to squeeze in) we had so much fun! my memory chip on my camera that I carry everywhere with me died this morning while I was trying to import the pics ….so sad, and so you will have to use your imagination …but we were a cute group:) I even cooked the whole dinner myself and it was delicious minus the frozen Rhodes rolls which have not been turning out for me lately! I should have made the potatoes kind from scratch, but 10 hrs of baking rolls for 6 people seemed a little much for me this  year.IMG_8227

we went out to dinner, played games, ate tons, cooked, watched movies, saw the temple lights, ran into old friends, worked out, played football, shopped our guts out, ate some more, shopped some more and put up the Christmas decorations minus the tree….. you see Brandon and I have this debate EVERY YEAR about the stinking tree! I want I fake one with sturdy branches that I can pile on the heavy ornaments and he wants it real, smelling like pine, not holding up squat for the ornaments, and dropping pine needles everywhere. so the last couple years he tells me I can buy a fake one at the end of Christmas, but by then I am so tired of shopping and we are way out of money…hehe! IMG_8244

londy did get to visit with the “mall Santa” and get her picture taken hpqscan0001

sooo cute

also when we went to the temple and were taking millions of pictures londy kept looking happily at the camera and saying “cheezeits” or so I thought….

then I realized she was saying JESUSSSSS…absolutely hilarious, at least she was understanding what the temple/Christmas thing was all about.

granddad was in the hospital for a few days and we went to visit him too. this made londy very nervous, (so sad all she has is scary memories of mommy in the hospital) anyways she read him a Halloween  story with all the different voices and when she got done she started singing “I love to see the temple”…heart wrenching in that sweet high pitched voice granddad even looked teary. amazing how innocent children are and how they feel things so easy. and here her mother is forever struggling. sad when the 4 yr old is so sure and the mom at 29 is so unsure…sigh!


she sure loves her uncle Joey !



yey for  family taking pics and sending them my way! thanks dad!


Kizzy said...

nice job doing all the cooking! and sounds like you had fun shopping and all that other fun stuff!!

Mama Apes... said...

What a fun thanksgiving sorry to hear about your camera...your table looks great! I love the pic of you and londy in the kitchen together!!! They are such good helpers right...?

Angelle said...

Cute pics Bri! Its fun to see everyone together. Wish we could have been there. Love your Christmas card, btw!

Kristal said...

Have you noticed Londy's eyes in the picture of us on my blog? I think its hilarious! Miss you much!