Tuesday, January 20, 2009

spring is a commin

today I found the bottoms of all bathroom drawers and even the pit we call London's bow drawer.  how do these small spaces take over our lives? in my bathroom drawer you could have lost a small child! I mean this from the girl who keeps her closet color coordinated.

there was enough hair to make a wig or at least a wiglet. seriously about 20 tubes of never been used lip gloss, every shade, texture and sheen imaginable. you want sparkle, how bout lip plumper, Vaseline cherry flavored? or perhaps you would like to try the kind that tastes like smores or at very least it smells like it. I've got lip smackers blue raspberry, chocolate, mint mint and more mint. every kind of dental floss in case I ever chose to use it more than once a month--sorry dad! 4 new packs of unused goodie, ouch- less hair bands. oodles of hair clips. snippets of plastic tags from ripping them off new clothing and several toys London smuggled in.there are even samples from every beauty product I have ever received. I mean really folks, I don’t keep anything normally--what's the problem here? the best part? the floss is from my hygienist at my dads dental office so its free. the lip-gloss--all of it--…gifts from my mom, sisters and cute friends and so again-- free.

don't get me started on Londy’s hair bows in a different drawer. baggie upon baggie of color organized bows. full to the tip top of the drawer and I still have bags upon bags of ribbon I have bought and never cut to use in her hair! I mean I am a girly mom and londy almost never leaves the house without a bow. I tell Brandon  it is most certainly forbidden.

don't you remember the helicopter looking bows that were bigger than her head when she was 6 weeks old.

the pantry is next...i will post  a picture of that before hand...in case i get lost  under the cereal boxes


Unknown said...

Don't you love de-cluttering and organizing? :D

I think that's why I still work at the same place... though I kind of got the boot on that part, since she hired a prof. organizer :D She's really good... someday I am going to be like her :D
Good luck with the pantry :D

Heather G. said...

Okay, what is a wiglet?

Shel said...

Hysterical...you know you could make some good money on this stuff! I may come by just to throw dollar amounts at you and see what I can leave with!! :) You need to come help me organize my life!

DM said...

It is interesting what you find when you organize isn't it? I organized every single drawer, cupboard, closet...etc. last year & it took me months. It was amazing what odd things I found! I love organizing though...it is a pain in the butt to keep it organized. I do love your goals for the year. I don't even bother makin goals because I never seem to be able to accomplish them and then I just end up feeling guilty...so I stopped making new years resolutions a few years back & now I have a few less things to feel guilty about! LOL!