Friday, August 28, 2009


you know how you start thinking about someone who maybe you haven't seen in a while? or perhaps its one of your very best friends you see everyday. maybe a family in your ward or a passing acquaintance?.. and the more you think about them… sometimes over the period of a day or sometimes a week, month or more…the more you feel the need to call and check on them? I'm here to tell you i’m terrible at actually calling to check on you on these occasions…really it’s something i strive to be better at!

but I'm also here to tell you that I'm grateful to all of you who still listen to that small voice prodding you. I'm grateful for the random text message, email, facebook or drop in. there is a reason we think about people like that, a reason why they pop into your head everyday until you do something about it. and I'm here to tell you…you are always dead on. the call was needed, a moment…just a moment was all it took to make my day, to feel a little less lonely, a little more loved and a LOT more grateful to have you in my life!  i really do think there are angels that walk among us who hold us up when we can’t do it ourselves, i believe thats how we all make it through the bad days…and i believe those angels are you.

thank you for listening to that voice… that small gesture  always does more than you will ever know:)


donatelli98 said...

What a sweet post - so wise beyond your years!!!

Shel said...

Love you back! Can't wait for our trip!! We both need it!

Mama Apes... said...

I think of you often too! I so need to play catch up more often!! XXOO