Saturday, August 08, 2009


sometime last week I woke up to find London on the couch watching TV. this is not an unusual event… however seeing your 5 year old glued to an infomercial for a vacuum is. she immediately began by telling me…

mom look, we gotta get one of these vacuums there is dog hair everywhere and then its gone. it can pick up screws and nails and even fruit loops. this is sooo cool! mom can u even believe it? she was so excited and all of this was said without even a breath or break in between words. gotta love these kiddos…from the mouths of babes!

if she would vacuum like this and be excited about it I would even buy her a dyson! because mommy hate to vacuum!


Lisa said...

haha, that is funny! alexis' favorite is the cash4gold. She's always telling me to put my jewlery in the mail so we'll have more money.

Kolste said...

She is definately your daughter then! I remember babysitting her and you having so many stinkin videos you said you bought off tv!! Next time we're in town I'll have to come and get my hair done. Hopefully we'll be there for CHristmas

Mama Apes... said...

what a cutie!! Mason had this same expierence but it was for a steam mop...we got to love them!

DM said...

We just got a dyson...I have used it once (on the rug..LOL). nate loves to vaccum so anytime you need to vacuum give me a ring & he'd be in heaven to come over! LOL! I have connections to get'm 40% let me know if Londy is ever interested in taking on that chore - we love ours! :-) She is such a cutie!