Friday, January 21, 2011

dying, dying I tell you…

to do this…


I mean I need to learn, seeing as I have never done a quilt nor do I have the faintest clue on how one would start! but I bought a pattern I'm dying to try (probably too advanced for my first but oh so darling) and I have a rotary wheel and a mat…now all I need is a fabulous teacher with some serious patience and then some fun girls to quilt with every so often! problem is all my darling, ever so fabulous girls who do this live in mesa and Nat…I think you are just a bit too far:(

but I definitely have the bug to get started and quick! it feels so good to be settled in my new place and feeling like its my own, once I get the pictures hung and the place gussied up I can have a party and then start playing with my sewing machine!

watch out fabric I'm eying you!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I am going to make Thomas a quilt for his birthday, since he has outgrown the one I made him when he was born :( (they grow much too quick) and I would love to make one like the picture! but I have no talent for sewing (or maybe I just need more practice!)
anyways, I know it's still a little far, but there was this store on Indian School, west of 44th that I almost took a sewing class from. They had all different types... you should look into it :)