Friday, August 15, 2008

tara lynn

as i was deciding what to write about for flashback friday i sorted thru some old favorite pictures...and this is what i found! this was taken when we were probably 21. we were inseperable girls! we talked the same, loved all the same things...dancing, music, icecream (chocoalte malted crunch for T and sugary candy, me a lover of chocolate mcflurrys with oreos- yum) we met thru brett, a friend of mine from growing up and an exboyfriend for tara. it was friends at first sight...LOL! i moved out to mesa and lived just a mile or two away. taras family became mine, i dated her brother travis and spent endless hours together! oh the good times...rockin'r ranch, adam tefteller, emily, all the cute boys...marky, brant, greg,keith, keith and more sparky! remember tae bo T? and how about that indian place you always ate at by asu!!! several california trips to oceanside where we would shop and lay on the beach for hours on end, go to magic mountain and fight with those same boys!!! I miss my friend and all the fun we had has been far too long since we have played and our girls would have so much fun together (they are just the same age) if we didnt live on the other side of the valley! the memories could go on and on...hand massages during church, emily drama, tausha drama, snowflake bathroom issues....oh how i will never forget that one glorious night with all three of us trading spots to be sick in the bathroom:)sure miss you girl!


eastman5* said...

Hey Bri! I can't believe I found your blog! You look great! It's so good to see you and Tara have still remained friends. Those were some fun and crazy days. You have an adorable family. It was good to see how you are doing. Sorry to read about your yucky disease - you will be in my prayers. You always where the strongest of us girls in so many ways! I miss those old days! Keep in touch!

Tara Fisher said...

Bri you are so awesome!! My eyes welled up with tears when I read this post. We really did have some fun times together! You are such a great friend and I think about you all the time. Love you long time!